Big Data & Analytics
Collaborative Self-Serve Advanced
Analytics & Data Science
Connect, combine, manage and understand all
the data from multiple sources on one single platform
View your ML models, compare them, and use them for Predictions
View your data in Charts, Maps etc. Bring them together
onto Report from various executions. Seamlessly build dashboards to
interact with your data.
ML/Al at the Speed of Business
Collaboratively build best-in-class Machine Learning applications in hours using 300+ pre-built drag-and-drop processors in Sparkflows Big Data ML Workbench and make data driven decisions in real time.
Ingest data from wide variety of sources with our 25+ ready to use connectors. Don’t find the one you need, build it yourself or ask us.
De-dupe, aggregate. join and clean data with 50+ data processors. Even bring in third-party data to enrich to generate deeper insights.
Identify features that affect the model or just do unsupervised Learning with just few cLick.
Build Model
Choose the right model, train and test and choose the one that predicts more accurately. Re-train with more data for better results.
Deploy on the stack of your choice. Deploy via Docker image or otherwise on any of the cloud providers for ML model deployment.